| 0471 256 552
New Projects
Grahasree housing project is a novel project of kerala state government , implemented by housing board. The area of each house is 700sqft. The identification of beneficiaries is done by NGOs. Akshara jana vidya Kendram had identified 20 beneficiaries during the year 2014-15, who are under BPL category. Each beneficiary will be given Rs 4000 lakhs by the Government. We had helped the beneficiaries in procurement of raw materials ,engagement of labour etc.our members were also involved in the construction of houses.
Micro small and medium enterprise program
to improve the life standard of the beneficiaries of the project through credit linked loan for starting income generating activities
to conduct skill development training programme for the beneficiaries
to create employment opportunity to the villagers
to promote small savings
to upfit BPL family to APL family through various AGP activities.
to ensure good remuneration and sustainability of the programme.
Financial literacy programmes 2015
Akshara Janavidya kendram received financial assistance from national bank for agriculture and rural development (NABARD) during the year 2015 for conducting five one day Finanacial literacy camps under the Financial inclusion Fund(FIF). Based on terms and conditions issued by the NABARD, we have conducted the camps in Tholicodu and vithura Gram Panchayths of thiruvanathapuram district.The objective of the programme is to sensitise the rural community on various aspects of financial literacy.
Important topics covered under the camps
income and expenditure
saving and investment
Prime minister’s Jan Dhan Yojana
electronic benefit transfer
Contact Us
Akshara Jana vidya kendram, Vithura, Thiruvananthapuram
0471 256 552